Thursday, 30 April 2020

Breaking down the costs of pilot training courses in India

Becoming a Pilot is a dream that many kids nourish and nurture during their childhood days. But as they grow up, many of them tend to take up professions other than that of a Commercial Pilot. Usually, they tend to choose a profession related to Engineering or Management streams! Coming to the point, why do many folks drop the idea of building a career in the Aviation sector? Is it due to the fact that recession has hit this sector bad and that many Pilots have been forced to take salary cuts and many have been axed from their jobs? The answer is- No! Recession has hit other sectors really bad as well! Take for instance engineering graduates- many of them are forced to take up call center jobs, many are forced to do jobs at a paltry salary! Looking at that scenario, the scene of the Aviation Industry is a lot better! It is the high training cost involved that really scares aspirants away from a career in Aviation! In this article, I’ll reveal some ways in which one can become a Commercial Pilot, at a fraction of the original training fees and expenses!

In India pilot training comprises Ground Training and Flight training. The job of pilot requires knowledge of interpretation of meteorology, air navigation and leading the aircraft under adverse circumstances but according to its air rules. A pilot should be able to lead the flight crew and this only is taught in the ground classes where their theory subjects are Air navigation, Air regulation and Aviation meteorology. The candidate must also complete 200 hours of flight time to obtain his Commercial Pilot License after which he will be able to work as a co-pilot in the aircraft.

With this training, you can be assured to get a job which can prove to be a ladder to land up for your dream job. The training covers all the basic and important concepts which are needed to become a commercial pilot. Pilots in India can work for commercial airlines or the Military Aviation of India. Commercial Aviation includes the passenger airlines, the international air services, cargo planes and air taxi charter operations. Whereas the military aviation includes the Indian Air Force and Aviation arms of the Army and Navy.
CPL Pilot Training

We are broadly able to categorize the two main types of flight training in the flight schools. They are integrated flight training and modular flight training. The integrated flight training program generally refers to a full time commercial flight training course where all the licenses and certificates involved are completed with the same flight training school or organisation.The integrated training is generally high quality and intensive training program. Generally a few flying hours are required to obtain a Commercial Pilot License over here. A full time integrated course may usually take 14-20 months. On the other hand there is a modular flight training program. This program tends to be a little cheaper for the aspiring pilots as in this program you can complete different licenses one step at a time.
In India if you want to complete your SPL, PPL and CPL and finally want to work as a Commercial pilot you need to complete 200 hours of flight training and type rating from any Indian airline. The fees for the whole course actually depend from college to college. Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Academy charges about 50 Lacs for the whole course whereas NFTI (National Flight Training Institute) charges roughly about 55 lacs. Even GATI (Government Aviation Training Institute) charges about 25 Lacs for the completion of the whole course, that is, up to the CPL. But even when you complete the course you have to do your type rating that will again cost you between 10-15 lakhs.

Students prefer going abroad for their flight training as the flight training standards are high and fees are much more economical than India. One can train with one of the best flight schools in Usa , New Zealand , South Africa , Canada etc in about 25-35 lakhs . One can complete entire CPL training in half the time it takes to complete in India. Most important come back with good experience within busy airspaces and busy airports. Which further prepares the student pilot for the Airline world. Including CPL (flying and ground classes ) and Type rating if one decides to train from abroad can complete the entire training between 45-55 lakhs .

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