Thursday, 18 May 2017


Asia is leading the world in economic growth. Asia's industry and economy is growing unlike anything experienced in the past. Avaiation has become essential to the world's economy; it is no longer just a "luxury" industry. This has resulted in more career opportunities in aviation than ever before.

More than 11,000 aircraft are estimated to be delivered to the Asia-Pacific market over the next 20 years. This will result in 216,000 pilot jobs being created in the region. This is great news for anyone wanting a career in aviation. More career opportunities will exists for other aviation careers such as cabin crew, maintenance, management, and air traffic control. Whether you desire to to fly aircraft, or keep them flying, opportunities will exists in abundance, and all aviation personnel will play a vital role in the world's economy.

Saturday, 6 May 2017


When one thinks of a professional pilot, one often thinks of an airline pilot, and nothing else. There are many careers for the professional pilot to choose from, and many jobs an individual has on the way to becoming an airline pilot.

Often one's first job is as a flight instructor. One trains individuals to become pilots. This is a good way to build hours quickly, and a very rewarding job. One becomes very knowledgeable about flying while being a flight instructor. Some individuals move on, but a few make instructing as their career, and even become flight test examiners, or flight safety officers.

Some individuals do their float endorsement and become bush pilots. This is very popular in countries such as Canada, with a sparse population and vast wilderness. Bush pilots fly passengers and goods to remote locations or lakes. This allows pilots to gain experience quickly, and provides an exciting life with a lot of adventure.


Other individuals become charter pilots. A multi-engine endorsement and an instrument rating are required. The charter pilot will fly people or cargo to nearby airports. This job allows one to gain experience in busy airports, and adjusts one to a busy schedule.

Another career is as a corporate pilot. One flies business jets such as a Learjet or Gulfstream to various places around the world. The schedule is a lot less regular than an airline pilot, but the corporate pilot often leads an exciting life. He or she may be called upon to go anywhere in the world on short notice.
The airline pilot is the dream job for many pilots. Pilots will usually start off with an airline on aircraft such as the B-737 or A320. As one progresses in their career, they will have the opportunity to fly international routes on aircraft such as the A380 or B-777. One will usually start as a first officer and work their way to Captain. Airlines provide great benefits and the opportunity to travel.

Some individuals join the Air Force to become pilots. Although military pilots often have a more restrictive life, they have the opportunity to fly high performance aircraft to their limits. This is something most people only dream about.

There are countless jobs and careers available for pilots. For those with the ambition and drive, an exciting career with unimaginable adventure awaits.

Congratulations to our new A320 type rated pilots

Congratulations to our new A320 type rated pilots We are thrilled to announce that Amanjyot and Shivam are our new Airbus 320 rated pilots...